Category Archives: Wacky Wednesdays

Wacky Wednesday


Below is the work of the fabulously talented artist Nacho Diaz, also known as Nao Lito. He’s clearly very talented, but has also got his wacky streak, as seen in his very definite style and sense of humour.

For more pictures and information click on the images above, his website or his deviantart profile. you can buy his work here. I think my favourites the slug and also the ice cream cone iceberg. Do you have a favourite?

Wacky Wednesday


One seriously talented guy decided to draw the Salon by Picaso on his basement wall. In Sharpie. And then it just got a little bigger. And soon the whole basement was covered in sharpie drawings all over his bedroom wall. It is seriously awesome, seriously wacky.

For more images click on the pictures and for a panoramic around the room sweep and the full story click here.

I don’t think I’d dare touch my walls, even if I was arty enough. I’d be too scared I’d mess up. I wonder how much practice he put in before he did the real thing? Would you dare?

Wacky Wednesdays


Introducing……Mark Jenkins’ Street Insatalations!!!



leaning little man



Wasington, DC

Aren’t they just fabulous – check out more here. My favourites are the bin bag leg people and the man with his head in the wall. What about you?

On another note I AM FREEEEEEEE!!!!! Yes, all of my exams are over and I have the rest of the week to relax before I go back to school and more work!

Wacky Wednesdays


Let me tell you guys something. I spend a lot of time on the internet. I spend a lot of time on stumblr. Which means that I find a lot of WACKY, WONDERFUL and generally completely strange and crazy stuff. Which suits me down to the ground. As I am quite a wacky and erm, sometimes wonderful person. Anyway, after a recent foray into the into the hyperactive junkie that is the internet and, admittedly, after staring at a blank blog post for quite some time I had a light bulb moment. I can share all the wackiness with YOU. And so dear readers expect every Wednesday from now on to be filled to the rafters with WACKY and WONDERFUL. You can even join in if you like.

I’ve always loved eye make up. I can’t do it to save my life but I do love it. So I was blown away by this eye makeup I found – yes, Kate Alves has eye makeuped some disney scenes on some, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly lucky models eye lids. Can’t get more WACKY and WONDERFUL than that.

There are more so please go check them out here (or click on the photos) and also check out more of the artists work here.

Tell me what you think 🙂