Monthly Archives: June 2011



…put me out of my misery…

…Does anyone…


….stay up late….

…like really late…

…like 6.30 am late (or early)…


…they are…


Anyone? Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this? Not the only one who get so caught up in a book and characters that they literally can’t put it down. I was about to, at 2.30, but then a really big argument took place betweeen the two main characters and I had to know if it was resolved. Which it was, on the last page.

I’m not really insane. I just get caught up in a world and people that are so real I have to know what happpens. So, tell me – can you beat how late I stayed up reading?

This librarian was caught in bed with a book - for more info click on the image!!!

The Magic Book Fairy pops out out of your cerial box and says “you and your favourite character (from a book of course) can switch places!” Who are you going to swap with?

Gosh….this is a really tough one! I don’t think I’d be very good at being any of my heroines. A lot of the reason they are my heroines is because they are different from me. I’d love to be Keladry of Mindelan or Diane the Wildmage out of, respectively,The Protector of the Small series and The Immortals series by Tamora Pierce (one of my fave authors). Or maybe Meggie out of the InkWorld trilogy by Cornelia Funke.

Wacky Wednesdays


Introducing……Mark Jenkins’ Street Insatalations!!!



leaning little man



Wasington, DC

Aren’t they just fabulous – check out more here. My favourites are the bin bag leg people and the man with his head in the wall. What about you?

On another note I AM FREEEEEEEE!!!!! Yes, all of my exams are over and I have the rest of the week to relax before I go back to school and more work!

Robin Hobb


I’ve fallen in love. Let me share that love with you.

Back in 2005, when I was a fresh faced 11 year old, I borrowed the Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb from my school library; well, I borrowed the first one from the library and then the last two from a science teacher! I remember enjoying them but also finding them a tad difficult to understand at times.In retrospect, I was far too young to be gallavanting around with Robin Hobb. I then borrowed the Liveship Traders series. Again very good to read, interesting plot lines but still the relationships were a little over complicated at such an innocent age. And so ended my relationship with Robin Hobb, mainly due to the lack of fantasy at my local libraries (or at least, the lack of a whole series – anyone else find that their library normally has book number 2 and 5 only of a series?)

However, I recently borrowed the first book in the Tawny Man trilogy. I fell in love. It was so interesting, still with sometimes slightly confusing relations but oh so real. Unfortunately I am a lazy being and couldn’t be bothered to go to the library and borrow the rest. I tried my school library but they didn’t have anything. However when I popped into the library on tuesday, I remembered about Robin Hobb and decided to go and see if they had anything in the series. Book 3. Helpful. So I decided to borrow something else by her and borrowed number 1 and 2 in the Rain Wilds series. And yet again I fell in love.  But this time I am not letting go. I am going right back up to the library to borrow and re read the rest of her books. I went to bed at 5.30 last night, or should I say this morning, and 3.30 the night before devouring these two books. They are so real. So passionate. So vibrant. So different. The politics are real. The relationships are real. Sometimes I do miss the fact that in many other fantasy books, especially the YA ones (Hobb is adult by the way, not YA), I know that there will be a happy ending for those concearned. Robin Hobb is far too complicated for this though – I relish the complexity of her plots and characters. Her writing is superb and very readable – I know her world, yet she doesn’t give any info dumps.

My only disappointment is that this is her newest series and the next book doesn’t come out until 2012. GRRRRRRRRRRRR. Hurry up Robin Hobb or I’ll set a dragon on you!

If you’re a fantasy fan, I can’t recomment Robin hobb highly enough. Do go read. Her books are utterly fabulous.

It is the book blogger hop today as well. The question this week is:

“Share your favorite post from the last month and tell us why it’s close to your heart!”

Well, seeing as I haven’t been a very active blogger this month I haven’t got much to share, so I will take this to mean the last two months, which is as long as I have been blogging. I think my favourite post is this one about my dream house. I just really enjoyed writing it and finding images and generally immersing myself in prettiness and domesticity.

Wacky Wednesdays


Let me tell you guys something. I spend a lot of time on the internet. I spend a lot of time on stumblr. Which means that I find a lot of WACKY, WONDERFUL and generally completely strange and crazy stuff. Which suits me down to the ground. As I am quite a wacky and erm, sometimes wonderful person. Anyway, after a recent foray into the into the hyperactive junkie that is the internet and, admittedly, after staring at a blank blog post for quite some time I had a light bulb moment. I can share all the wackiness with YOU. And so dear readers expect every Wednesday from now on to be filled to the rafters with WACKY and WONDERFUL. You can even join in if you like.

I’ve always loved eye make up. I can’t do it to save my life but I do love it. So I was blown away by this eye makeup I found – yes, Kate Alves has eye makeuped some disney scenes on some, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly lucky models eye lids. Can’t get more WACKY and WONDERFUL than that.

There are more so please go check them out here (or click on the photos) and also check out more of the artists work here.

Tell me what you think 🙂